
Year: 2013

Using consumer behavior to improve your product pitch

I formed a “Board of Evaluators” for the consumer behavior course I teach at the Leeds School of Business. The BOE, as I like to call them, were tasked with evaluating two minute pitches that the students put on YouTube. The class was told that the BOE would be acting as an investor group when […]

Twitter tweets value

Guest post today. As you may know, I created a Clashtag (#m3250) for my consumer behavior course and required the undergraduate students to use it.  I recently gave them a “reflection” assignment: Think about your experience on Twitter this semester and consider how it relates to creating and communicating value (i.e., good marketing). Your task […]

What do you think of the new Humor Code website?

The Humor Code has a new website. Do you love it? Do you hate? We are looking for feedback to make it better. About the book: Part road-trip comedy and part social science experiment, a scientist and a journalist detail their epic quest to discover the secret behind what makes things funny. Dr. Peter McGraw, […]

Repost: Are Hollywood actors shorter than average?

Reposted from last year’s popular post. How have you had friends or family meet a Hollywood actor and marvel at how short he is in real life? (This phenomenon seems to happen more often with males than females, so I will limit the discussion to male actors.) My friend, @markferne, had this experience recently: Now, […]

The Innovator’s Dilemma: A Tablet of Key Messages for Entrepreneurs and Managers

Guest post today. I assigned the Innovator’s Dilemma to my undergraduate Consumer Behavior class. I also gave them an assignment: Write a blog post that describes the important takeaway messages from the Innovator’s Dilemma for A) managers and B) entrepreneurs. (Hint: those conclusions are different.) Motivate your message with an example of a disruptive technology […]

Why are haunted houses funny?

Have you been to a haunted house recently? There are two kinds of comedy associated with haunted houses: You observe people being scared and then laughing about it. You laugh at people’s reactions to being scared. Both seem to be happening here. Check out more here. Alf Lamont, a friend and supporter of the Humor […]